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Cybersecurity and data protection in Germany 2024: challenges and developments

This year, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is once again publishing its report on the IT security situation in Germany.

Among other things, the latest report sheds light on the current situation in the area of cyber security and data protection and makes it clear that the cyber security situation in Germany remains tense and is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.

Increasing threats to data protection

Cyber criminals continue to rely heavily on methods such as ransomware, phishing and attacks on networked systems. The aim is often to steal personal data or use it for blackmail purposes.In addition to economic damage, this leads to a further increase in uncertainty among the population.

The report shows that although digitalisation opens up new opportunities, it also increases the attack surface. The resulting vulnerabilities in IT systems not only jeopardise the protection of personal data, but also the functionality of critical infrastructures. The growing risk should therefore not be underestimated.

One of the biggest challenges continues to be protecting the growing volume of data from unauthorised access. Technologies such as cloud services or IoT (Internet of Things) devices offer attackers popular points of attack, as a large amount of data can be captured with relatively little effort.

Even large IT companies regularly fall victim to such attacks. (See e.g. www.onlinehaendler-news.de/amazon/konzern/amazon-bestaetigt-grossen-datendiebstahl)

At the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep pace with the dynamics and complexity of modern IT environments.

The report shows that both companies and public authorities are not always sufficiently prepared to consistently implement data protection requirements.

Measures and developments

This development shows that standards and measures to improve cyber security and data protection must be regularly adapted. This includes the implementation of appropriate encryption technologies, regular security updates and a conscious approach to passwords. These measures help to minimise vulnerabilities and strengthen resilience to cyber attacks.

Even though attempts are being made at a political level to improve the legal and technical basis for better protection of sensitive data - for example through the cooperation with international partners - it often becomes clear that companies should first prioritise their own defence. A conscious approach by employees to digital technologies and their risks continues to form the basis of an effective defence.

Raising employee awareness

The report makes it clear that cyber security and data protection are not just technical challenges, but also operational challenges. Both companies and employees need to address security risks and take appropriate measures. Continuous technical adjustments to new threats and broad sensitisation within the company remain key tasks.

You can find the latest report from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) here: www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/Lageberichte/Lagebericht2024.html

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